You, the petitioner

Stop the discrimination of labour migrants on the Dutch housing market

3 signatures

The discrimination of internationals, especially labor migrants is only getting worse. Landlords that use #DutchOnly should not be allowed to proceed like this anymore, and if they still do they should be fined or banned by the Dutch Government. Help us fight discrimination in the housing market!



students from The Hague University and supporters


establish that:

  • that one of the major problems each labor migrant face is the impossibility of finding housing.
  • there is a pattern of discrimination and racism against these international individuals.
  • this is based on interviews and research conducted by the lead petitioner
  • this is an injustice that should change!


and request

in-depth research on this and take a proactive stance on battling this problem. Landlords that discriminate should be fined or banned from doing so by the government!

Sign this petition

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Addressed to:
Petition desk:
Lead petitioner:
Nina Schmidt 
The Hague University of Applied Sciences 

